I always believed Love is vital.
When I was younger,
I used to watch all these movies…
Where “love” was like publicity
Something everyone should be feeling,
Something everyone wanted to be doing.
it seemed good. It was good…at some point in my life.
“Love” was like a hobby…
Finding it wasn’t hard.
We all think we know Love at 14.
No wonder relationships didn’t mean a thing to us at that age…
“love” was just another train
you had to catch in order to not end up stranded
in the same empty station.
“love” seemed easy to me at that time
Easy to get, even easier to forget.
When I turned 17, things became a little different…
“love” wasn’t just “love” anymore… “love” was…LOVE.
Something everyone was doing,
Something only a few were feeling.
It’s good…When it’s real…
How do you know its real?!
You don’t.
you just try hard not to feel it so deeply And then yep…it’s Love.
I then realized that Love is exclusively made.
Some people are sucessful in keeping it…
Others just…struggle with fate’s decision to pick on them…
I’ve decided that, if it finds me… In a few years time,
I’ll run off…and rely on my insensitivity.
And Love won’t be so important to me…
‘Cause this is the last time I’m ever letting my heart free.
Let me make the best out of it.
[Decided that I should start with something more recent.. this poems fits perfectly...]