Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Abandon Ship II

Navegar imensos mares num navio cujo casco
já apresenta um rombo é proeza demasiado arriscada..
Para quem já conhece a contínua malícia das ondas.

Não me atrevo a pegar no leme,
E enfrentar as sempre presentes futuras tempestades do passado
Porque por mais que tente, elas sempre persistirão
Mais fortes que a minha habilidade.
Mais evidentes que a minha força de vontade,
Porque é a única.

Não me atrevo a continuar à deriva,
Sem ter a certeza de que as velas se içarão caso pretenda manter-me a bordo...
Não pretendo continuar a deixar o vento e o acaso

velejar a minha frota de emoções num mar desconhecido..

The journey ends here.
No messages in a bottle, no life vests, no signal fire....

Im abandoning ship.
I was never meant to be aboard it anyways..........

[30.10.07] MJ

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

O Arco E A Flecha

"O arco é a vida: dele vem toda a energia.
A flecha irá partir um dia.
O alvo está longe.
Mas sua vida permanecerá sempre com você,
e é preciso saber cuidá-la.
Precisa de períodos de inação, pois um arco que sempre está armado, em estado de tensão, perde sua potência.
Portanto, aceite o repouso para recuperar sua firmeza:
assim, quando você esticar a corda, estará com sua força intacta.
O arco não tem consciência.
Ele é um prolongamento da mão e do desejo do arqueiro.
Serve para matar ou para meditar.
Portanto, seja sempre claro em suas intenções.
Um arco tem flexibilidade, mas também tem um limite.
Um esforço além da sua capacidade irá quebrá-lo,
ou deixar exausta a mão que o segura.
Da mesma maneira, não exija mais do seu corpo do que ele pode lhe dar.
E entenda que um dia a velhice chegará,
e que isto é uma benção, e não uma maldição.
Para manter com elegância o arco aberto,
faça com que cada parte dê apenas o necessário
e não disperse suas energias.
Assim, você poderá disparar muitas flechas sem se cansar."

[Its So damn true...shudnt waste so much time in unimportant matters..]

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Plain Cold Reality

So today I realized how much I miss writing
and mostly, feeling.
It's been really busy lately, the possible reason why
I keep forgetting that I need to take a breath once in a while
and allow my being some space to exist.
Instead and in order to not remind myself of the 'bitterest' DETAILS of my life,
I rather not stop..
I cant stop, then life would lose its meaning
Like a machine is designed to execute and reach its creation purpose with clean perfection,
Im compelled to focus just on what should be necessary,
Im done with futilities and its followers...
Cold...But crucial.
I’m required to put myself on top of my priorities
without a second thought...nor looking back
Cause just one little mistake is enough...to bring it all down.
One little mistake, is all it takes to lead to another great fall from grace.
So I dont stop, I dont think, I dont feel..
And if I do, I silence it. I run over it.
cause its so easy to make the wrong move
When you're highly convinced by others or even your ego that it is the right one.
So Dont Stop. Dont Think. Dont Feel.
Im taking no chances...........


Every time they turn the lights down
Just want to go that extra mile for you
You public display of affection
Feels like no one else in the room (but you)

We can get down like there’s no one around
We'll keep on rockin' (We'll keep on rockin')
We'll keep on rockin' (Keep on rockin')
Cameras are flashin' while we're dirty dancin'
They keep watching (They keep watching)
Keep watching

Feels like the crowd is saying
Gimme, Gimme more Gimme, More

A center of attention (Can you feel them?)
Even when we’re up against the wall
You’ve got me in a crazy position
If you're on a mission
You got my permission

We can get down like there’s no one around
We'll keep on rockin' (Keep on rockin')
We'll keep on rockin', rockin'
Cameras are flashin' while we're dirty dancin'
They keep watching (They keep watching)
Keep watching

Feel's like the crowd is saying:
Gimme, Gimme more Gimme, More

I just can’t control myself
Do you want more?
Well, I’m good for more
Give me more, give me more

Give me more, give me more babe
I just want more!

[Appropriate Song..............]

Monday, October 8, 2007

What I want Vs. What Is Right.

I wake up to see different sides of you..
The only problem is I cant seem to make up my mind
about which of them I want........
To keep. Or turn my back on..

Monday, October 1, 2007

Creation's Leftovers.

"Let the cliches fall
From my lips
Like colors upon the wounds
Of the blind
They can neither see
Nor entreat
Those that leave
Their marks, their mars, their scars
But they feel
The gaping red and yellow
As clear as you feel
The movement in your abdomen
Signaling the need
To rid yourself
Of solid impurities

And if we're not here
Than there's nowhere we are
Because you can't taste a soul
You can't touch a spirit
You can't swallow a feeling
Like you'd bite down coins
Hoping to pay the piper
For the gut you lack

You won't fly to heaven
At the end of this road
You'll rot
And your wasted life
As sure as I'm wasting my time
Spilling words like wisdom
When there's little left to know
That anyone would care
To understand

Carpe Vita
As I let it slip
Twist my fingers
Like the slime of a slug
Bound for the salt
My son threw on it
To see what would happen.."
