Friday, June 18, 2010

There are three types of Men in a Woman's life:
One. Those She loves;
Two. Those who want Her; and
Three. Those who love Her.
Women on the other hand, should be wise enough to choose number three. Inevitably..
'Cause those she loves, in addition to those who simply want her..
Those, just might not be that worth it in the long run as she thinks or would like them to be.

Be with those who Love you.

being M'Jayes today ~

* " Aqui não existe um perfeitamente claro e maduro mundo de Sexo, mas um mundo que não é suficientemente humano, apenas Masculino, é Fogo, Intoxicação e Desassossego, coberto de velhos preconceitos e arrogância com os quais o Homem, desfigurou e queimou o Amor..." - Rainer Maria Rilke.


  1. E assim e.. Be with the ones who love you. It's easier. Safer. And you always feel warm at heart. You then develop the hability to love the fact that he loves you, and eventually love him for that...
    howeva dat might sound...

  2. Yap...Axo que tambem prefiro o comodismo de ser amada do que amar. Normalmente doi menos. (lol...ando tao covarde que nem pareco eu tsk tsk tsk...)
    Bjs meus
